
Resourse Economics is the Way We Think

D&D Larix, LLC, operates a Natural Resources Economics and Finance Division known as Forest Econometrics. Our services are focused on addressing a wide variety of natural resource and environmental issues. In the realm of resource economics, these common topics of interest include:
  • Commodity valuation,
  • Price projections,
  • Cost forecasting,
  • Operations analysis for productivity and profitability,
  • Developing management and taxation policy based on
    • social,
    • financial and
    • political constraints,
  • Optimization of business operations, and
  • Land resource valuation for appraisal purposes.
All these topics of interest are ties, closely or loosely, to economics and the policies they influence. Econometrics is the application of mathematical and statistical techniques to economics in the study of problems. It is extended into the analysis of data, and the development and testing of theories and models. We accomplish this through a variety of techniques applied to the specifics of the situation we are addressing.
Because we live in a constantly changing world, our responses take into account the fluidity of time. In resource economics, the time value of money aids and guides our decision making processes.

Efficiency is the Way We Perform

Several methods of delivering services in economics are provided to our clients. It is very regular for us to be contacted by clients as they seek assistance with a natural resource management project. Rarely are we contacted to specifically provide “resource economics” consulting work. This service often comes in the form of compliance with a state or federal law or regulation. Our efforts then take on the guise of assistance to adhering to policies or completing compliance documents. These universally involve resource economics, macroeconomics, or optimization criteria. Mostly, it is a combination of all.

D&D Larix collaborates and assists our colleagues through face-to-face and online educational delivery systems. Sharing basic information about valuation approaches is commonplace in our work environment. The Forest Econometrics web platform is where we provide specific resource economics service to our clients. We also share educational video production for learners of economics:

These YouTube videos are each a part of semester business classes taught by Dr. Bill at a state college. On this portion of this web domain, you will discover these videos. You will also understand how videos are only one part of the training experience in Dr. Bill’s classrooms. There is no charge to use these videos, so watch, learn, and enjoy the experience.

The Forest Resource Analysis System Software interface is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform we designed for Forestland Owners. This associated web domain gives detail about how Forest Econometrics takes forestland investors to the highest level of profitability.

Resource Economics is FRASS

Resource Economics is the joining of Forest Management and Economics. We take it further, to join Natural Resource Management and Econometrics. This gave birth to the Forest Econometrics approach with statistical analysis, price forecasting algorithms, and profitability measurement. Part of this approach is the creation of the Real Price Appreciation Forecast Tool (RPA Forecast Tool). Explained on the web domain and in videos, this econometric tool gives meaning to the efforts we make.

This particular portion of the D&D Larix web domain concentrates on the economics first discussed on this page. Explore what is available to benefit your needs. Use them, share them, and when you need something additional – contact us.




You may call it Natural Resources Economics, Environmental Economics, Forest Economics or just plain “Econ”. By any name, we make the topics of economics and policy understandable.


In forestry, we know that the meaning is often seen behind the dense forest cover. Pull it aside to see what is there.