Symbiosis Happens Here

Natural Resource Analysis
D&D Larix, LLC, is a natural resource analysis company specializing in science based natural resource planning. We work with agencies, companies, organizations, but most important: we work with people. Natural resource planning comes through our system of analysis and theme integration. This integration comes through investigative and long-established sciences to give light to our findings. These discoveries and explanations of topics often combines:
- Natural Resource Management,
- Forest Economics,
- Geospatial Resource Analysis,
- Econometric Design,
- Incident Command.
We work with clients to complete specific natural resource management tasks. Findings of fact come through a combination of competitive bid proposals we prepare. Specific project awards guide the services we provide. Our clients have been individuals, companies, counties, states, Indian tribes, and federal governments. We have worked with these organizations throughout North America and Asia. Sometimes, the services we provide are delivered as training programs. Other times, our services come as a Software-as-a-Service program to benefit our clients. More frequently, the services are to complete specific projects.
Integrating Science and Culture
Projects integrate data collection and information processing. As simple as that sounds, these tasks have lead to discoveries of new and meaningful information. The people who bring these findings forward come from a combination backgrounds. Some are specialists from D&D Larix, others are consultants we engage for specific projects. Commonly, this includes people who work for our clients. As a team, combined to address the tasks at hand, we make the meaningful difference.
Some projects we complete are specific efforts to implement a desired project. More frequently, we are engaged to assist our clients to prepare federal compliance documentation. The federal requirements put forward for the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) govern many land management actions in the USA. Environmental Assessments, Environmental Impact Statements, and Biological Opinions are reports we prepare with our clients. This enables land management actions to proceed in federal lands or with federal funding. This is one form of natural resource analysis and implementation that we provide.
Other natural resource management activities we perform embrace the Federal Emergency Management Act (FEMA). Specifically we organize and implement natural resource analysis and management activities to mitigate natural disasters within jurisdictions. Generally, these tasks are won through competitive bid for counties and Indian reservations. Each state in the USA, has a state FEMA Management office. This office acts as leader and liaison with the counties in their jurisdiction. However, when a Hazard Mitigation Plan is needed for the county, a competitive bid is offered. This is when counties select D&D Larix to orchestrate their planning event. Hazard mitigation plans are not one-size-fits-all documents. We assist our clients to take ownership of the plans they assemble.
Forest Economics and Natural Resource Econometrics
Economics is the study of the business world we live and work in. Econometrics is the study and measure of these forces. Economics has been shunted as the ‘abysmal science‘ by some, but for us, it is one of our favorite topics! By studying economic forces in the world around us, we gain a better ability to anticipate events. It allows us to understand what to expect, and why we anticipate it. The next step up, econometrics, explains how to measure and anticipate price movements of commodity markets.
We provide our clients services and training in economics:
- Microeconomics
- Macroeconomics
- International Economics
- Forest Econometrics – this one takes you to one of our web domains completely dedicated to the topic.
Econometrics takes the statistical analysis lens to economics and business decision making tasks. We combine proven on-the-ground practical experience with scientific understandings. This delivers technologically advanced tools to analyze, explain, and illuminate opportunities for resource management activities. Completed tasks and delivered training events are targeted to the needs and interests of our clients.
You you scroll through these pages about economics, you will find several YouTube videos used to teach specific classes. The Micro-, Macro-, and International Economics class videos were each minted for college classes taught by Dr. Bill (William Schlosser). Students watch these chapter-videos before attending class. It means the scarce resource of TIME is not wasted in class for lectures. Class time is spent doing experiments, testing theories, and game-playing around the subject. Videos are NOT the sole source of education transfer.
We Talk and Listen to Trees
D&D Larix provides the junction where space and time meet. This is accomplished by integrating geospatial and socio-economic information in an array of environmental and natural resource planning efforts. Management areas include visually tangible and comprehensible auditory data recognized through GIS analysis, econometric design and on-site investigations. Professional training courses augment these efforts to bring the message home. This is natural resource analysis and comprehension.
Efforts of natural resource analysis has changed in the past several decades. The world of Forest Management has blossomed to include attention to other important factors:
- Wildlife Environments,
- Fish Habitat,
- Ornithologic Ecology
- Threatened, Endangered, and Sensitive Species
Recognition of these unique site-dependent habitats is part of the challenge. Knowing how to preserve and promote them is the most important step forward. By using recently-developed science technologies, we have discovered new methods of identification and protection. This has been delivered as we investigated insights using satellite near-infrared imagery slices displayed in GIS. Geo-statistical analyses explain spatial relationships to other site characteristics. Quickly, we are able to discover habitat identification and protection strategies.

Towering Douglas-fir giants
As you explore this site, you will see examples of how we have served our clients. Discover how we can serve you. Contact us to further explore how we can work with you to achieve your resource management needs. We complement your organization by providing resource professionals to augment your staff. Let us fill a gap in your professional resource pool.
Forest Resource Analysis System Software
One of the flagship products offered by D&D Larix is the Forest Resource Analysis System Software (FRASS). Offered as a Software-as-a-Service platform, forestland owners provide data about their forestlands. These are articulated as forestland value, financially optimal harvest timing on each timber stand on each property. Forestland property data includes biometric Growth & Yield data, GIS records, and associated physical site characteristics. This assembles timber market data, logging capabilities and costs, and specific information of the landowner’s micro-economic characteristics.
Macro-economic records are combined through the Real Price Appreciation Forecast Tool, developed by Dr. Schlosser. The RPA Forecast Tool forecasts appreciation and devaluation cycles in the markets where properties are located. The Forest-Econometrics web site explains this platform in great detail. A demonstration site gives interested people the ability to see it in action. Contact us to arrange your online-demonstration into the FRASS site today!
NIMS Training Tracker & Credentialing System
The National Incident Management System (NIMS) is incident command support, originally created as part of the U.S. military. This approach was further developed in the wildland fire fighting system beginning after the turn of the 20th Century. In 2001, this concept was further expanded by the U.S. Federal Emergency Management System (FEMA). After the 9/11 terrorist event in the USA, it was applied to natural and man-caused disaster events.
The approach is used by fire departments, counties, Indian tribes, states, and federal governments to organize response events. Trained people can respond to emergencies while implementing a familiar response structure. FEMA and several other organizations around the country develop training programs for first response personnel and programs. These training events are rolled into “training packages” to achieve preparedness levels – one person at a time.
Deployment of the NIMS system improves responder effectiveness and safety.
At D&D Larix, we developed a Software-as-a-Service platform for emergency response organizations. The NIMS Training Tracker & Credentialing System guides people through the training options required to cooperate with others in response events. These basic training options begin with Incident Command System (ICS)-100, ICS-200, ICS-700 and ICS-800. These courses guide people in the fundamentals of incident command and the structure of NIMS. From there, training programs expand to higher levels of leadership and hazard specific preparedness. The NIMS Training Tracker & Credentialing System places all proposed training credentials into a student-specific Learning Plan. As each class is completed, and verified, it is promoted to the student’s Transcript.
The NIMS Training Tracker & Credentialing System platform is offered as an online solution for all organizations. This gives instantaneous reports for individuals and organizations. Accessible from desktop, laptop, tablets, and mobile devices, this platform guides organizations before and during response events. This platform manages the sea of fifteen (15) educational institutions offering federally recognized NIMS training programs. Thousands of training events are offered as online classes and live-class events. We track them in our online class databases, making them available to students and organizations when they are needed.
Online demonstrations give organizations a view of what is taught, how reports are generated, and how it enhances your credentials. Contact us to participate in a no-cost online demonstration.
Finance & Economics Training
We have made a variety of educational tools are available to people wanting learn more about economics. Here we offer insights into forest economics, and broader business management insights. We can develop and deliver short courses and longer training events for your organization. D&D Larix delivers to you the learning tools you seek!
This approach was augmented after 2015 with deployment of a YouTube Channel developed by Dr. Bill, for college classes in Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, International Economics, and associated Technical Tools for Learner Success. Videos are provided to anyone to watch and extend the learning experience to a higher level. Dr. Bill Economics at YouTube!
Geospatial Analysis
Geospatial Analysis is conducted using Geographic Information System (GIS) software while integrating the art and science of land use. This includes understanding how geology, soils, aquatic systems, vegetation and animals interact with people across the landscapes. Sometimes these analyses integrate physical site characteristics of a property or in a region. Global Positioning System (GPS) devices are used to record location, or to integrate temporal changes. This happens on specific sites and in broad landscapes. Satellite images, recorded through time, aids information discovery and analysis. Land use managers gain deeper understandings of how ecosystems are interconnected. We give these analyses efforts to the projects we conduct for our clients.
When data are requested and derived for a task, we deliver all derivative data to our client for future uses. This is the service we provide as we welcome people, organizations, businesses, to work with us. Learn how we can assist you today.
Guest lectures, Short-Courses, Outreach
Since 1989, courses have been taught for learners of all ages and with all levels of professional education. D&D Larix has taught adult learners details about a variety of topics:
- Forest Management,
- Forest Business Development,
- Forestland Appraisal,
- Accounting
- Business & Forestland Taxes
Classes have been taught as University and College courses, teaching these business and economics classes. Students in Dr. Bill’s classes discovered a lively approach to information transfer. They were given access to class videos lasting 30 minutes to 1 hour each. These were accompanied by live-class discussions and activities to make the learning experience meaningful.
Dr. Bill is not the only instructor available from D&D Larix. We integrate other educators in accounting, business development, forestry, and natural resource management skills. Your organization may be seeking a 20 minute presentation as part of your conference. Or you may seek a 3 day short-course on a specific topic we embrace.
Our outreach extends to consulting services where we come to your place of business. We investigate, communicate, develop alternatives, and deliver solutions. These services rarely end with the delivery of ‘findings’, instead extending to continued consulting and assistance with the tasks addressed.
Contact us to begin this discussion.