Think Like an Economist
Business Economics training is the social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.

D&D Larix, LLC, operates a Natural Resources Economics and Finance Division known as Forest Econometrics. We operate a Business Economics training foundation known under associated names:
- Microeconomics,
- Macroeconomics,
- International Economics, and
- International Business.
The Forest Econometrics platform is managed mainly through the accompanying website. Our college class theme site is managed on this domain at this Economics menu item.
Econometrics is the application of mathematical and statistical techniques to economics in the study of economic challenges. It is the analysis of data, and the development and testing of theories and models. We accomplish this through a variety of techniques applied to the specifics of the situation we are addressing.
Business economics training services are focused on a wide variety of natural resource and environmental issues concerning economics.
- Business Economics Training,
- Commodity Valuation,
- Price Projections,
- Cost Forecasting,
- Operations Analysis for Productivity and Profitability,
- Developing management and taxation policy based on
- social,
- financial and
- political constraints,
- optimization of business operations, and
- land resource valuation for appraisal purposes.
This list of potential business and economics profiles brings together environmental policy and technology issues. At D&D Larix, we bring business economics training into clear focus.
Courses taught by D&D Larix, follow a strategy we developed to enhance the learning experience. Students begin the class long before the classroom sessions begin. Videos are sent to participants to watch on YouTube. Tasks are assigned in these videos and students begin the process of knowledge assimilation. When the class begins, it may be in a classroom, but it generally transitions to a field site. Students can watch a video, but they experience learning.
We Use a Different Approach and it works
Commonly Taught Topics
Business Economics Training
- Econometric Design & Forecasting
- Economics with near-term and far-reaching perspectives
- Cost & Price Forecasting
- Resource Valuation
- Operations Research & Optimization
- Multi-Linear Econometric Analysis
- Forestland Taxes
- Estate Planning
- Creation of Business Chart of Accounts
- Determination of Original Basis & Current Basis
- County Property Tax Category Selection and Qualification
- Carbon Sequestration
- Policy Development
- Determination of periodic carbon increment (PCI)
- Verification of Carbon contracts and sequestration rates
- Theme Training Topics
- Resource Economics & Finance
- Forestland property valuation using Income Capitalization Approach from USPAP Guidelines
- Short Courses and Guest Lecturers on request
Arrange with us the training for your organization as a single presentation, full-day, 2-day, 3-day, week-long or semester course program.
Learning Starts Before the Class Opens
Topics taught in economics and finance, by D&D Larix, are brought to learners through unique combinations of lecture videos watched before class-events on YouTube. These are the videos you see referenced on this site and on the Dr. Bill Economics YouTube Channel, and on the FRASS: Forest Resource Analysis System Software YouTube Channel. Additional videos are specifically made for the classes taught by Dr. Schlosser. Some were were minted for a college semester class, or for a short-course delivered for a client. All videos are specific to the topics addressed.
In Class we Discuss
Students come to our classes from a broad array of backgrounds. Each student builds on what they knew before ever entering the class. Every student also has vision of what is to be gained through the classes they attend and participate in. This is where our classes take on a different light of understanding. The pre-class materials watched as videos establish the ‘concrete’ learning facts and figures. ‘Abstract’ understanding comes through application of topics to each person’s understanding. These are formed through examples, testing, theorizing, and even game-playing.
This can be seen when a student applies the concepts about price forecasting demonstrated to delivered log prices. We do this through the Real Price Appreciation Forecast Tool, and task students to apply it to other commodities. Class participants apply those concepts to forecasting the price of a commodity they selected before class began. It is the application of established ideas to personal experiences that leads to understanding.
This is what we do.
Discussions Build Opportunities
Class sessions build the topics discussed into examples seen in the real world. Some criteria changes are discussed, like “what happens when this variable changes from this to that?” These simple questions can lead to speculation by everyone involved to expand discussions to new horizons. It is rather interesting to guide these events and consider ‘expected’ events in the marketplace. Change-discussions lead to forecast anticipation and questions about what impacts some groups, businesses, or people.
As instructors, we try not to dominate the class, instead we engage students to become involved with each other. Class participants develop explanations and situational examples to explain their understanding. Those discussions build through examples to create opportunities everyone can mentally grow with. Learning business economics training does not happen because you know what “Keynes” said and when he said it. It happens when the ideas are integrated into everyday understanding of events.
Learning, Training, Education Events
We Will Continue this Training Discussion
with You
Presentations, short-courses, long-term training opportunities.
College / University Classes
Dr. Bill has been a faculty member teaching economics and business management, and natural resource topics. His class sessions have been considered by many of his peers to be unique, and challenging. His approach is different from the traditional teaching profile. Some of his students have responded with exceptionally high praise. “This was the most time consuming class I ever took! But, it was also the class where I learned more than I ever learned in any class ever before!”
When he first started teaching college classes, he used the traditional slideshow while teaching classes. Discussions were usually made as part of the structured presentations. His teaching approach evolved as technologies advanced to enable several different tools useful for student engagement. Dr. Bill uses the Learning Management System (LMS) hosted at colleges and universities to virtually interact with his students. This begins with welcome videos he makes for each class, used to acquaint students with materials and expectations. Students receive e-mail messages, from daily to several times a week, to guide expectations through the class.
Topic Materials
Each student takes weekly on-line quizzes through the LMS and receives scores on these as tasks are completed. Discussion Board events follow directions to students “Define and Discuss with Example”. The terms are selected by students for the weekly terms. These are reviewed and commented on by their class-peers to continue the discussion through the semester.
Assignments, or tasks, through the class use a combination of software tools like spreadsheets, word processor, presentation, and database tools. He has built several YouTube videos giving example of how to use software tools to complete tasks assigned in class. Students complete their tasks in a Windows Operating System, on an Apple MacIntosh, or a Linux computer. All platforms are welcome.
Secondary Research
In each class, each student is tasked to prepare and deliver a Term Report using a class-topic they select. Students use their software program and integrate software tools:
- apply a Style Sheet,
- create and use a References citation database,
- make in-document references for figures and tables,
- end the report by automatically generating References Cited record.
The term report is researched and written through the first half of the semester in 4 parts. Each section builds on the previous version.
Professional Interaction
After the term report is approved, each student makes a presentation, on a program like PowerPoint. It is prepared as a 10 minute presentation to their peers. Students make a written narration of their presentation, set slide-timing and animation for each slide. They record their narration in their own voice. Next, digital mastering of their audio tracks is made. They then synchronize audio with their slide show’s screens and animations. Each student creates a 10 minute YouTube video they place on their own YouTube Channel to submit for this event.
Each student production is linked on the class LMS platform where each student views and comments on the video productions. This is a multifaceted assignment for each student receiving attentive comments by their peers. Students extend the discussions for each video produced.
Students may have entered the class to study Microeconomics, International Business, Geospatial Analysis, or even multi-spectral image analysis. Term reports and video productions give students a different perspective of their topics. With these approaches applied, student engagement rose to the high levels.

Adult Education Opportunities
Dr. Bill, of D&D Larix, was a Cooperative Extension System faculty member for over 6 years years. Then he accepted a position to work on a US State Department, US Agency for International Development (USAID) project. The project he joined was located in the newly independent states of the former Soviet Union. In his capacity he has developed and delivered training programs for adult learners. Some of his students came from the ranks of non-industrial forestland owners in the rural regions he worked. Other students have been professionals holding degrees in their professional science and seeking skills in new technologies and understandings.
Just as students in classrooms can watch YouTube videos ahead of classroom meetings, adult learners start learning before class starts. Participants watch specifically minted shows by Dr. Bill to prepare them for the adult-learner sessions. Lecture videos are not the time when new knowledge is imparted to the student. Training video time it is a used to establish terms, concepts, and ideas in the student’s mind. After watching the YouTube videos created for the training event, students participate in classroom sessions. These sessions transition to field-tour events and classroom discussions as concepts are converted into practical knowledge.
Participation is Paramount
Attendees to these sessions watch the YouTube videos for the class using a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or SmartPhone device. These videos are watched as many times as the learner wants. There is not cost to the student for this portion of the training event.
Examples explored in these live-sessions concentrate on the tangible facts of the topics studied. The lecture portion of these events are moved to the virtual arena. Live class sessions concentrate on discussions, scenario, hypothesis testing, and abstraction. This makes the adult learners comfortable with the exercise while expanding their newly-found knowledge.
Interestingly, the YouTube video logs associated with these sessions show an initial peak of video viewership ahead of the planned classes. That is expected. But, after class viewership gets additional views as well. Adult learners will watch these shows before and after the training sessions are delivered. Successful training events are before- and after-class sessions happen.
Learning is a process, not a product.
No Videos of Talking Faces
An interesting aspect of YouTube videos made by Dr. Bill, is seen when watching them. Recognize that his talking face is not seen on these videos. Some ‘virtual videos‘ are produced by educators who set a video camera to record them talking to the screen. This is the standard practice for news shows conducting interviews and for broadcasters wanting to connect with their viewers. This is not something Dr. Bill endorses.
“Talking Faces are a Distraction.” says Dr. Bill.
He creates videos centered on written documentation, videos of activities, charts and graphs. Dedicating 25% of the computer screen to a ‘talking face’ is a waste of scarce real estate. Dr. Bill uses subscripts created from his video narration text to play in sync with the video show. These subscripts perfectly match the narration delivered in English (his native language). These scripted narration guides are translated by the YouTube online translations with increased accuracy.
Interested to see how to make that happen? Follow this link, made by Dr. Bill: Closed Captioning with YouTube for Excellent Results.
Give it a try, it works, and you will make it part of your work.
Think Like an Economist

It is time to begin
Contact us to begin the training opportunities for your agency, association, company or group. We want to work with you to make natural resources and business economics training concepts a part of your success. Think Like an Economist and send us that e-mail.