Business Economics, ECON-201 & ECON-202
Spokane Falls Community College || Pullman Campus
Faculty Member || Lecturer || Adjunct Associate Professor
Natural Resource Ecology, SoE-300
Washington State University
Faculty Member || Lecturer || Adjunct Associate Professor
Economics & Business Administration
Lewis-Clark State College
Faculty Member || Assistant Professor
Schlosser, W.E. 2024. Microeconomics: Exploring Individual Choices in Economic Realms. (2nd ed.). 372 Pgs. Pullman, Washington, USA: D&D Larix, LLC. Download PDF.
Schlosser, W.E. 2024. Macroeconomics: Unraveling the Mechanics of National Economies. (2nd ed.). 366 Pgs. Pullman, Washington, USA: D&D Larix, LLC. Download PDF.
Olson, A.R., W.E. Schlosser. 2024. Trophic Flexibility: Herbivores Navigating the Green and Fungal Worlds. J Ecol Environ Sci. 2(1): 2024. OJEES.MS.ID.000527 Download PDF.
Schlosser, W.E. (2023) Assessing Wildfire Risk in the Wildland-Urban Interface: A Fire Prone Landscapes Approach. Online J Ecol Environ Sci. 1(3): 2023. OJEES.MS.ID.000511 OJEES Article access Published Article
Schlosser, W.E. Defining the Wildland Urban Interface: A Logic Graphical Interpretation of Population Density. Online J Ecol Environ Sci. 1(2): 2023. OJEES.MS.ID.000508 OJEES Article access Published Article
Schlosser, W.E. & T.J. Severn. (2023). Investigating the Potential Speciation of Tulalip Black-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus hemionus tulalipensis) Population: Reproductive Barriers, Genetic Differentiation, and Historical Demographic Patterns. Tulalip Tribes Natural Resource Division.
Schlosser, W.E. & K.A. Thorne. (2023) The Wolf Based Trophic Cascade in the Olympic Peninsula: Ecological Impacts on Salmon, Mollusks, and Beyond. Online J Ecol Environ Sci. 1(1): 2023. OJEES.MS.ID.000504. OJEES Article access Published Article
Schlosser, W.E. & B.R. Schlosser. (2023). Carbon as a Commodity, Retention as a Service. Journal of Forest Business Research, 2(1): 68-84. Retrieved from JFBR Web PDF Published article.
Schlosser, W.E. (2023). Growth and decay: forest landowner impatience factor. Journal of Forest Business Research, 2(1), 38–67. Retrieved from JFBR Web. PDF Published article.
Schlosser, W. E., Aumell, A. J., & Kilkenny, M. M. (2023). Hybrid Classroom Approach: Virtual & Live Field Data Integration. Natural Sciences Education, e20094. Wiley Publications || Published Article
Guest Editor: Schlosser, W.E. Special Issue “Forest Product Markets, Sustainability, and Societal Impacts”.
Schlosser, W.E., Aumell, A.J. 2021. Virtual Ecology interactive web domain. Virtual ecology web interface for students in Natural Resource Ecology (SoE-300) with animations, Virtual Reality/Artificial Reality, drone imagery, wildlife trail cameras, and integration with class lecture videos and field sample results based on example forests at Kamiak Butte county park.
Schlosser, W.E. & A.J. Aumell. 2020. Virtual Forestry interactive web domain. Virtual forestry web interface for students in Natural Resource Ecology (SoE-300) with animations, Virtual Reality/Artificial Reality, drone imagery, wildlife photos, and integration with class lecture videos and field sample results based on example forests at Kamiak Butte county park.
Schlosser, W.E. (2020). Real price appreciation forecast tool: Two delivered log market price cycles in the Puget Sound markets of western Washington, USA, from 1992 through 2019. (L. Giessen, Ed.) Journal of Forest Policy and Economics, 113(102114), 9. April. doi: Online or PDF
Abu-Zahra, H., S. Kingham, P. McCornack, M. Tooker, I. Warren, J. Carlson, & W.E. Schlosser (2020). Kamiak Butte Field Sample Analysis: Carbon and Nitrogen Sequestration (SoE-300). Published article PDF.
Schlosser, W.E. June 2018. B.C. FOREST INVENTORY 2018: Critical Review of Systems, Analyses, and Procedures Implemented in the Province. Submitted to “Expert Panel to Review B.C.’s Forest Inventory Program”. Association of B.C. Forest Professionals (ABCFP) conference in February (2018), Minister for Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA. Pp. 28.
Schlosser, W.E. 2015. Forestland Investment Decisions: guide to forest economics and valuation procedures. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA. Pp. 68.
Schlosser, W.E. 2014. Financially Optimal Timber Harvest Timing; Maximizing financial returns from your forestland investment. Northwest Woodlands. Vol 30, No 2. World Forestry Center, Portland, OR.

Schlosser, W.E. 2013. Forest Resource Analysis System Software (FRASS) Users Guide, quantitative software programming system (Software-as-a-Service – SaaS), and slideshow presentations. Copyright federally registered to William E. Schlosser. D&D Larix, LLC, Forest Econometrics. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 2013. Natural Resource Econometrics; Student Guide. Textbook for practitioners and students. D&D Larix, LLC, Forest Econometrics. Pullman, WA. 3/28/2013, Pp 159.
Schlosser, W.E. 2013. Quinault Indian Reservation Shorelines Management Plan Framework. Kamiak Ridge, LLC, Pullman, WA, January 14, 2013. Pp 5.
Schlosser, W.E. 2013. Quinault Indian Nation Shoreline Management Plan, Reach Assessment Map sets: 16 sets, each approx. 30-40 pages. Kamiak Ridge, LLC, Pullman, WA, January 31, 2013. Pp 75.
Schlosser, W.E. 2013. Quinault Indian Nation Shoreline Management Plan, Reach Assessment Description – Cape Elizabeth. Kamiak Ridge, LLC, Pullman, WA, January 31, 2013. Pp 75.
Schlosser, W.E. 2013. Relative Sea Level Change Along Quinault Indian Reservation Marine Coastlines. Kamiak Ridge, LLC, Pullman, WA, January 31, 2013. Pp 58.
Schlosser, W.E. 2012. Market Appraisal System Software User’s Guide (Update from 1/14/2012 original). Completed under contract for the Quinault Indian Nation. Kamiak Ridge, LLC, Pullman, WA, November 5, 2012. Pp 137.
Schlosser, W.E. 2012. Usual and Accustomed Fishing Areas of the Makah Tribe, Quileute Tribe, Hoh Tribe, and Quinault Indian Nation. Geospatial analysis and mapping in the Pacific Ocean from the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State area, offshore. Completed for the Quinault Indian Nation, 10/21/2012, Pp. 11 plus wall map (44”x44”).
Schlosser, W.E. 2012. Defining the Wildland-Urban Interface: A Logic-Graphical Interpretation of Population Density. Revision/update of text prepared for implementing the National Fire Plan. Kamiak Ridge, LLC, Pullman, WA. 9/30/2012. Pp. 26.
Schlosser, W.E., J.F. Mierzwinski. 2012. Benewah County Wildland-Urban Interface Wildfire Mitigation Plan Update 2012. Kamiak Ridge, LLC, Pullman, WA, September 25, 2012. Pp 345.
Schlosser, W.E. 2012. Pacific Ocean Bathymetry; near the North American Continent Unadjudicated Usual and Accustomed Areas of the Quinault Indian Nation. Kamiak Ridge, LLC, Pullman, WA, June 2012. Wall map (44”x44”).
Schlosser, W.E. 2012. Duck Valley Indian Reservation Tribal Hazards Mitigation Plan. Completed for the Shoshone-Paiute Indian Tribes by Kamiak Ridge, LLC, Pullman, WA, January 24, 2012. Pp. 330.

Schlosser, W.E. 2011. Quinault Indian Nation Comprehensive Emergency Operations Plan. Kamiak Ridge, LLC, Pullman, WA, 9/11/2011. Pp. 190.
Schlosser, W.E. 2011. Quinault Indian Nation Hazard Inventory and Vulnerability Assessment (HIVA). An Assessment of Hazards and Risks to the People, Economy, Environment, and Property of Quinault Indian Reservation. Kamiak Ridge, LLC. 9/20/2011.
Schlosser, W.E. 2011. Coeur d‘Alene Reservation Tribal Hazards Mitigation Plan. Completed for the Coeur d’Alene Indian Tribe by Kamiak Ridge, LLC, Pullman, WA, August 8, 2011. Pp 435. Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
Schlosser, W.E. 2011. Quinault Indian Nation Tribal Hazards Mitigation Plan addendum: Technological and Manmade Disasters Mitigation Plan. Developed with the Quinault Indian Nation, Quinault Indian Reservation Planning Committee, and Kamiak Ridge, LLC, Pullman, WA. August 2, 2011. Pp 21
Schlosser, W.E., W.E. Armstrong, B.R. Schlosser. 2011. Upper Quinault River Salmon Restoration NEPA Compliance; Environmental Assessment. Completed with the Quinault Indian Nation, the NEPA Multi-Jurisdictional Planning Committee, and Kamiak Ridge, LLC, Pullman, WA, 7/19/2011. Pp 229.
Schlosser, W.E. 2011. Quinault Indian Reservation Evacuation Plan. Kamiak Ridge, LLC, Pullman, WA. July 7, 2011. Pp 44
Schlosser, W.E. 2011. Quinault Indian Nation Tsunami Hazard Area Mapping; wall map and source GIS data development. Kamiak Ridge, LLC, Pullman, WA. March 24, 2011. Pp 21
Schlosser, W.E. 2011. NIMS Training Tracker; presented on the internet as a Software as a Service (SaaS) program. Coordinates a jurisdiction’s staff education efforts in National Incident Management System (NIMS) sponsored by FEMA. On the internet at
Schlosser, W.E. 2011. Forest Resource Analysis System Software; prototype development infrastructure on the internet as a Software as a Service (SaaS) program. US Copyright office granted official Copyright in 2013 to Dr. Schlosser for this software. On the internet at
Schlosser, W.E. 2010. Quinault Indian Reservation Tribal Hazards Mitigation Plan. Completed with the Quinault Indian Nation, Quinault Indian Reservation Planning Committee, and Kamiak Ridge, LLC, Pullman, WA, October 25, 2010. Pp 377.
Schlosser, W.E. 2010. Benewah County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazards Mitigation Plan. Completed for the Benewah Board of County Commissioners and the municipalities of Benewah County. TerraGraphics Environmental Engineering, Inc., Moscow, Idaho, June 25, 2010. Pp 233.
Schlosser, W.E., and C.A. Peery. 2010. Anadromous Fisheries Habitat Analysis of Asotin Creek for Pacific Lamprey; Asotin Creek Located in Asotin & Garfield Counties, Washington. Requested by the US Fish & Wildlife Service, Order Number 10181AM296, Requisition/Reference No. 1433003079. Pullman, WA. Pp. 50.
Schlosser, W.E. 2009. Vegetation analysis report for agricultural/non-residential lands along the east side road, Deer Lodge, Montana. Completed for the State of Montana Department of Environmental Quality, Helena, Montana, TerraGraphics Environmental Engineering, Inc. September 2, 2009. Pp. 122.
Schlosser, W.E. 2009. Shoshone County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazards Mitigation Plan. Completed for the Shoshone Board of County Commissioners and the municipalities of Shoshone County. TerraGraphics Environmental Engineering, Inc., Moscow, Idaho, August 31, 2009. Pp 305.
Schlosser, W.E. 2008. Plummer Creek Watershed Analysis completed for Coeur d’Alene Tribe. Geospatial Analysis of watershed using AGWA and SWAT analysis tools within the ArcGIS program, Kamiak Ridge, LLC. Completed with TerraGraphics Environmental Engineering, Inc., Moscow, Idaho.
Schlosser, W.E. 2008. Forest Inventory Analysis of Tribal Allotments in Southeast Alaska, completed for the Central Council Tlingit & Haida Tribes of Alaska. Report preparation, database development, and PowerPoint presentation (5/3/2009) to Bureau of Indian Affairs and Tribal government. Kamiak Ridge, LLC, Pullman, WA. 5/7/2009.
Schlosser, W.E. 2006. Idaho Stumpage Calculation Procedures: Potlatch REIT/TRS-Idaho Region User’s Manual & Excel Spreadsheets. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. March 20, 2006 (pp 29).
Schlosser, W.E., R. Gilrein, and T. Duman. Lead Auths. 2006. Spokane Indian Reservation, Fire Management Plan Environmental Assessment (NEPA Compliance). Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. May 23, 2005. Pp. 113.
Schlosser, W.E., R. Gilrein, and T. Duman. Lead Authors. 2006. Spokane Indian Reservation Fire Management Plan–2005. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. May 15, 2005. Pp. 80.
Schlosser, W.E., R. Gilrein, and T. Duman. Lead Authors. 2006. Spokane Indian Reservation Fire Management Plan Appendices–2005. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. May 15, 2005. Pp. 71.
Schlosser, W.E., T.R. King, T.R. Brown, A.L. Oryhon (Compiled by). 2006. Boundary County, Idaho, Inventoried Roadless Area Recommendations: March 1, 2006. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. (pp 52) for the Office of Species Conservation, Idaho Governor Kempthorne.
Schlosser, W.E., T.R. King, T.R. Brown, and A.L. Oryhon (Compiled by). 2006. Benewah County Inventoried Roadless Area Recommendations: March 1, 2006. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho 83843. Pp 13.
Schlosser, W.E., T.R. King, T.R. Brown, and A.L. Oryhon (compiled by). 2006. Bonner County Inventoried Roadless Area Recommendations: March 1, 2006. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. Pp 49.
Schlosser, W.E., T.R. King, T.R. Brown, and A.L. Oryhon (compiled by). 2006. Clearwater County Inventoried Roadless Area Recommendations: March 1, 2006. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. Pp 92.
Schlosser, W.E., T.R. King, T.R. Brown, and A.L. Oryhon (compiled by). 2006. Idaho County Inventoried Roadless Area Recommendations: March 1, 2006. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho 83843. Pp 151.
Schlosser, W.E., T.R. King, T.R. Brown, and A.L. Oryhon (compiled by). 2006. Kootenai County Inventoried Roadless Area Recommendations: March 1, 2006. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. Pp 23.
Schlosser, W.E., T.R. King, T.R. Brown, and A.L. Oryhon (compiled by). 2006. Latah County Inventoried Roadless Area Recommendations: March 1, 2006. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. Pp 39.
Schlosser, W.E., T.R. King, T.R. Brown, and A.L. Oryhon (compiled by). 2006. Nez Perce County Inventoried Roadless Area Recommendations: March 1, 2006. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. Pp 9.
Schlosser, W.E., T.R. King, T.R. Brown, and A.L. Oryhon (compiled by). 2006. Shoshone County Inventoried Roadless Area Recommendations. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow 1, 2006. Moscow, Idaho. Pp 84.
Schlosser, W.E., T.R. King, T.R. Brown, A.L. Oryhon (Compiled by). 2006. Idaho Panhandle National Forests; Inventoried Roadless Area Recommendations. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. March 1, 2006 (pp 52) for the Office of Species Conservation, Idaho Governor Kempthorne.
Schlosser, W.E., T.R. King, T.R. Brown, and A.L. Oryhon (compiled by). 2006. Clearwater National Forest Inventoried Roadless Area Recommendations. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. March 1, 2006. Moscow, Idaho 83843. Pp 50.
Schlosser, W.E., T.R. King, T.R. Brown, and A.L. Oryhon (compiled by). 2006. Nez Perce National Forest Inventoried Roadless Area Recommendations. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. March 1, 2006. Moscow, Idaho 83843. Pp 41.
Schlosser, W.E., T.R. King, and T.R. Brown (compiled by). 2006. Wallowa – Whitman National Forest Inventoried Roadless Area Recommendations. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. March 1, 2006. Moscow, Idaho 83843. Pp 16.
Schlosser, W. E. and T. R. King. Lead Authors. 2006. Yellowstone County, Montana, Community Wildfire Protection Plan. Northwest Management, Inc., Helena, Montana. February 28, 2006. Pp. 213.
Schlosser, W. E. and T. R. King. Lead Authors. 2006. Yellowstone County, Montana, Community Wildfire Protection Plan – Executive Summary. Northwest Management, Inc., Helena, Montana. February 28, 2006. Pp. 10.
Schlosser, W. E. and T. R. King. Lead Authors. 2006. Yellowstone County, Montana, Community Wildfire Protection Plan Appendices. Northwest Management, Inc., Helena, Montana. February 28, 2006. Pp. 66.
Fight, Roger D.; Blatner, Keith A.; Chapman, Roger C.; Schlosser, William E. 2005. Users guide for noble fir bough cruiser. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-644. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 8 p
Schlosser, W.E. 2005. Fair Market Pricing Methodology for Idaho Stumpage: Potlatch REIT/TRS Idaho Region. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. December 21, 2005 (pp 51).
Schlosser, W.E., T.R. King, T.R. Brown (Lead Auths). 2005. Pend Oreille County, Washington, Community Wildfire Protection Plan. Northwest Management, Inc., Deer Park, Washington. November 2005.
Brown, T.R., T.R. King, G.A. Bassler, V.E. Bloch and W.E. Schlosser. 2005. Upper Wind River Biomass Co-Generation Project Feasibility Study. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. November 1, 2005. Pp. 59.
Schlosser, W.E., T R. King, and T.R. Brown. Lead Authors. 2005. Idaho County, Idaho, Wildland-Urban Interface Wildfire Mitigation Plan. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. October 11, 2005. Pp. 275.
Schlosser, W.E., T.R. King, and T.R. Brown. Lead Authors. 2005. Idaho County, Idaho, Wildland-Urban Interface Wildfire Mitigation Plan Appendices. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. October 11, 2005. Pp. 161.
Schlosser, W.E. and V.P. Corrao. Lead Authors. 2005. Benewah County, Idaho, All Hazards Mitigation Plan – Volume I. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. June 20, 2005. Pp. 160.
Schlosser, W.E. and V.P. Corrao. Lead Authors. 2005. Benewah County, Idaho, Wildland-Urban Interface Wildfire Mitigation Plan – Volume II. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. June 20, 2005. Pp. 188.
Schlosser, W.E.. Lead Author. 2005. Benewah County, Idaho, All Hazards Mitigation Plan Appendices – Volume III. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. June 20, 2005. Pp. 51.
Schlosser, W.E.. Lead Author. 2005. Benewah County, Idaho, Wildland-Urban Interface Wildfire Mitigation Plan Appendices – Volume IV. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. June 20, 2005. Pp. 73.
Schlosser, W.E. Lead Auth. 2005. Teton County, Montana, Wildland-Urban Interface Wildfire Mitigation Plan. Northwest Management, Inc., Helena, Montana. June 9, 2005. Pp. 183.
Schlosser, W.E. Lead Auth. 2005. Teton County, Montana, Hazard Mitigation Plan Appendices. Northwest Management, Inc., Helena, Montana. June 9, 2005. Pp. 45.
Schlosser, W.E. Lead Auth. 2005. Teton County, Montana, All Hazards Mitigation Plan. Northwest Management, Inc., Helena, Montana. June 9, 2005. Pp. 159.
Schlosser, W.E., G.A. Bassler, and T. Duman. Lead Authors. 2005. Fremont County, Wyoming, Wildland-Urban Interface Wildfire Mitigation Plan. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. April 19, 2005. Pp. 198.
Schlosser, W.E., G.A. Bassler, and T. Duman. Lead Authors. 2005. Fremont County, Wyoming, Wildland-Urban Interface Wildfire Mitigation Plan Appendices. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. April 19, 2005. Pp. 35.
Schlosser, W.E., T.R. Richards, V.E. Bloch, V.P. Corrao. Lead Auths. 2005. Yakama Nation Fuels Assessment. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. April 12, 2005. Pp. 33.
Schlosser, W.E., T.R. Richards, V.E. Bloch, V.P. Corrao. Lead Auths. 2005. Yakama Nation Fuels Assessment Appendices. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. April 12, 2005. Pp. 45.
Schlosser, W.E., V.P. Corrao, and T. Duman. Lead Authors. 2005. Latah County, Idaho, All Hazards Mitigation Plan; Volume I. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. April 11, 2005. Pp. 163.
Schlosser, W.E., V.P. Corrao, and T. Duman. Lead Authors. 2005. Latah County, Idaho, Wildland-Urban Interface Wildfire Mitigation Plan; Volume II. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. April 11, 2005. Pp. 199.
Schlosser, W.E., V.P. Corrao, and T. Duman. Lead Authors. 2005. Latah County, Wildland-Urban Interface, Wildfire Mitigation Plan Appendices. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. April 11, 2005. Pp. 163. Pp. 46.
Schlosser, W.E. Lead Auth. 2005. Clearwater County, Idaho, Wildland-Urban Interface Wildfire Mitigation Plan. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. April 4, 2005. Pp. 179.
Schlosser, W.E. Lead Auth. 2005. Clearwater County, Idaho, Wildland-Urban Interface Wildfire Mitigation Plan Appendices. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. April 4, 2005. Pp. 50.
Schlosser, W.E. Tera Duman Lead Auths. 2005. Nez Perce County, Idaho, Wildland-Urban Interface Wildfire Mitigation Plan Appendices. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. March 28, 2005. Pp. 41.
Schlosser, W.E. Tera R. Duman Lead Auths. 2005. Nez Perce County, Idaho, Wildland-Urban Interface Wildfire Mitigation Plan. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. March 28, 2005. Pp. 175.
Schlosser, W.E., and T.R. Brown Lead Auth. 2005. Owyhee County, Idaho, Wildland-Urban Interface Wildfire Mitigation Plan Appendices. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. March 10, 2005. Pp. 42.
Schlosser, W.E., and T.R. Brown Lead Auth. 2005. Owyhee County, Idaho, Wildland-Urban Interface Wildfire Mitigation Plan. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. March 10, 2005. Pp. 161.
Schlosser, W.E., G.A. Bassler, and T. Duman. Lead Authors. 2005. Wind River Reservation Wildland-Urban Interface Wildfire Mitigation Plan Appendices. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. March 9, 2005. Pp. 30
Schlosser, W.E., G.A. Bassler, and T. Duman. Lead Authors. 2005. Wind River Reservation Wildland-Urban Interface Wildfire Mitigation Plan. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. March 9, 2005. Pp. 142.
Schlosser, W.E. 2005. Introduction to GPS for Foresters. Moscow, Idaho. February 2005. Pp. 11.
Schlosser, W.E. 2005. Users Guide to the (Idaho) Timber Productivity Option’s Valuation Method – 2005. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. January 1, 2005. Pp. 24.

Schlosser, W.E., V.P. Corrao, and T. Duman. Lead Authors. 2004. Latah County, Idaho, Wildland-Urban Interface Wildfire Mitigation Plan Appendices; Volume III. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. April 11, 2005. Pp. 43.
Schlosser, W.E. and T.R. Brown. Lead Authors. 2004. Boise County, Idaho, All Hazards Mitigation Plan. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. December 30, 2004. Pp. 135.
Schlosser, W.E. and T.R. Brown. Lead Authors. 2004. Boise County, Idaho, Terrorism and Civil Unrest Mitigation Plan. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. December 27, 2004. Pp. 31.
Schlosser, W.E. and T.R. Brown. Lead Authors. 2004. Lewis County, Idaho, Terrorism and Civil Unrest Mitigation Plan. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. December 27, 2004. Pp. 27.
Schlosser, W.E. and T.R. Brown. Lead Authors. 2004. Lewis County, Idaho, Wildland-Urban Interface Wildfire Mitigation Plan. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. December 13, 2004. Pp. 159.
Schlosser, W.E. and T.R. Brown. Lead Authors. 2004. Lewis County, Idaho, All Hazards Mitigation Plan. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. December 13, 2004. Pp. 126.
Schlosser, W.E. and T.R. Brown. Lead Authors. 2004. Lewis County, Idaho, Wildland-Urban Interface Wildfire Mitigation Plan Appendices. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. December 13, 2004. Pp. 46.
Schlosser, W.E., K.D. Homik, T.R. Duman, D.S. Thomas, T.R. Brown. Lead Auths. 2004. Minidoka County, Idaho, Wildland-Urban Interface Wildfire Mitigation Plan. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. October 18, 2004. Pp. 118.
Schlosser, W.E., K.D. Homik, T.R. Duman, D.S. Thomas, T.R. Brown. Lead Auths. 2004. Minidoka County, Idaho, Wildland-Urban Interface Wildfire Mitigation Plan Appendices. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. October 18, 2004. Pp. 46.
Schlosser, W.E., T.R. Brown, K.D. Homik, T.R. Duman, T.R. Brown. Lead Auths. 2004. Jerome County, Idaho, Wildland-Urban Interface Wildfire Mitigation Plan. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. October 18, 2004. Pp. 124.
Schlosser, W.E., T.R. Brown, K.D. Homik, T.R. Duman, T.R. Brown. Lead Auths. 2004. Jerome County, Idaho, Wildland-Urban Interface Wildfire Mitigation Plan Appendices. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. October 18, 2004. Pp. 48.
Schlosser, W.E., T.R. Brown, Lead Authors. 2004. Payette County, Idaho, Wildland-Urban Interface Wildfire Mitigation Plan. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. October 11, 2004. Pp. 117.
Schlosser, W.E., T.R. Brown, Lead Authors. 2004. Payette County, Idaho, Wildland Urban Interface Wildfire Mitigation Plan Appendices. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. October 11, 2004. Pp. 39.
Schlosser, W.E., K.D. Homik, T.R. Duman. Lead Auths. 2004. Twin Falls County, Idaho, Wildland-Urban Interface Wildfire Mitigation Plan. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. September 28, 2004. Pp. 150.
Schlosser, W.E., K.D. Homik, T.R. Duman. Lead Auths. 2004. Twin Falls County, Idaho, Wildland-Urban Interface Wildfire Mitigation Plan Appendices. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. September 28, 2004. Pp. 70.
Schlosser, W.E., B. Hunter, and M. Phillips. Lead Auths. 2004. Duck Valley Reservation, Wildland-Urban Interface Wildfire Management Plan. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. September 17, 2004. Pp. 169.
Schlosser, W.E., B. Hunter, and M. Phillips. Lead Auths. 2004. Duck Valley Reservation, Wildland-Urban Interface Wildfire Management Plan Appendices. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. September 17, 2004. Pp. 46.
Schlosser, W.E. Lead Auth. 2004. Fergus County, Montana, WUI Wildfire Mitigation Plan. Northwest Management, Inc., Helena, Montana. September 15, 2004: Main Document 160 pp, Appendix 55 pp.
Schlosser, W.E. Lead Auth. 2004. Fergus County, Montana, Wildland-Urban Interface Wildfire Mitigation Plan Appendices. Northwest Management, Inc., Helena, Montana. September 15, 2004. Pp. 55.
Schlosser, W.E. Lead Auth. 2004. Fergus County, Montana, Wildland-Urban Interface Wildfire Mitigation Plan. Northwest Management, Inc., Helena, Montana. September 15, 2004. Pp. 160.
Schlosser, W.E. Lead Auth. 2004. Judith Basin County, Montana, Wildland-Urban Interface Wildfire Mitigation Plan. Northwest Management, Inc., Helena, Montana. September 14, 2004: Main Document 129 pp, Appendix 35 pp.
Schlosser, W.E. Lead Auth. 2004. Petroleum County, Montana, Wildland-Urban Interface Wildfire Mitigation Plan. Northwest Management, Inc., Helena, Montana. September 7, 2004. Pp. 111.
Schlosser, W.E. Lead Auth. 2004. Petroleum County, Montana, Wildland-Urban Interface Wildfire Mitigation Plan Appendices. Northwest Management, Inc., Helena, Montana. September 7, 2004. Pp. 34.
Schlosser, W.E. Lead Auth. 2004. Judith Basin County, Montana, WUI Wildfire Mitigation Plan. Northwest Management, Inc., Helena, Montana. September 7, 2004: Main Document 111 pp, Appendix 34 pp.
Schlosser, W.E., B. Hunter, and M. Phillips. Lead Auths. 2004. Duck Valley Reservation, Wildland-Urban Interface Wildfire Management Plan Environmental Assessment (NEPA Compliance). Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. August 12, 2004. Pp. 108.
Schlosser, W.E. Lead Auth. 2004. Washington County, Idaho, WUI Wildfire Mitigation Plan. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. June 28, 2004: Main Document 139 pp, Appendix 55 pp.
Schlosser, W.E. Lead Auth. 2004. Valley County, Idaho, WUI Wildfire Mitigation Plan. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. June 28, 2004: Main Document 196 pp, Appendix 70 pp.
Schlosser, W.E. Lead Auth. 2004. Elmore County, Idaho, WUI Wildfire Mitigation Plan. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. May 10, 2004: Main Document 166 pp, Appendix 68 pp.
Schlosser, W.E. Lead Auth. 2004. Benewah County, Idaho, WUI Wildfire Mitigation Plan. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. May 10, 2004: Main Document 178 pp, Appendix 73 pp.
Schlosser, W.E. Lead Auth. 2004. Benewah County, Idaho, WUI Wildfire Mitigation Plan. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. May 10, 2004: Main Document 178 pp, Appendix 68 pp.
Schlosser, W.E., and K.A. Blatner. 2004. Pacific Northwest Noble Fir: the king of wreaths, charms, and other Christmas ornamentals. Washington State University Cooperative Extension, Pullman, WA. MISC0532, April 2004, pp 16.
Schlosser, W.E. Lead Auth. 2004. Gem County, Idaho, WUI Wildfire Mitigation Plan. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. January 2004: Main Document 116 pp, Appendix 58 pp.
Schlosser, W.E. Lead Auth. 2004. Adams County, Idaho, WUI Wildfire Mitigation Plan. Northwest Management, Inc., Moscow, Idaho. January 2004: Main Document 176 pp, Appendix 74 pp.
Schlosser, W.E. 2004. ArcView 3.3; Intermediate GIS for Resource Managers (Revised). Training manual prepared for Idaho Department of Lands. Moscow, Idaho. Pp 94.

Schlosser, W.E., J.A. Bassman, P.R. Wandschneider and R.L. Everett. 2003. A Carbon Balance Assessment for Containerized Larix gmelinii Seedlings in the Russian Far East. Forest Ecology and Management. Volume 173/1-3 pp. 335-351.
Schlosser, W.E. 2003. GPS for Forestland Owners; Idaho-Washington Forest Owner’s Field Day. Course materials for lecture series. Moscow, Idaho. Pp 10.
Schlosser, W.E. 2003. Financial Analysis for Forest Resource Managers. Course materials for lecture series. Moscow, Idaho. Pp 112.
Schlosser, W.E. 2003. ArcView 3.3; Intermediate GIS for Resource Managers. Training manual prepared for Idaho Department of Lands. Moscow, Idaho. Pp 86.
Schlosser, W.E. 2003. Wildfire Mitigation Plan for the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation, Montana. Completed for the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Billings, MT. Moscow, Idaho. 155 pp.
Schlosser, W.E., V.P. Corrao. 2003. Little Salmon River Management Area Fuels Management Plan Environmental Assessment (NEPA Compliance). Completed for the Bureau of Land Management, Cottonwood Field Office. EA and Appendix in separate documents.
Schlosser, W.E., V.P. Corrao. 2003. Elk City Management Area Fuels Management Plan Environmental Assessment. Completed for the Bureau of Land Management, Cottonwood Field Office. EA and Appendix in separate documents.
Blatner, K.A., W.E. Schlosser, K. Gebert. 2003. A Directory of Value Added Wood Products Producers in Washington State. Washington State University Cooperative Extension, Pullman, MISC0477, April 2003, pp 41.
Schlosser, W.E., V.P. Corrao. 2002. Shoshone County, Idaho, Wildfire Mitigation Plan. Moscow, Idaho. Completed for the Shoshone County Fire Planning Committee, Shoshone County Commissioners. 130 pp + appendices.
Schlosser, W.E., J.A. Bassman, F.G. Wagner, P.R. Wandschneider. 2002. Increasing Long Term Storage of Carbon Sequestered in Russian Softwood Logs Through Enhanced Lumber Recovery. Forest Prod. J. 52(9):51-59.
Schlosser, W.E., and K.A. Blatner. 2002. Sawmill Statistics for the First Half of Calendar Year 2001; 2001 Interim Report. Washington State University Cooperative Extension, Pullman, WA. MISC0482. 4p
Schlosser, W.E., V.K. Teplyakov, P.R. Wandschneider. 2002. Russian Forest Management Under the Ministry of Natural Resources: A historical review of Russian forest management and a look to the future. Published in Ph.D. Dissertation, Washington State University. Republished in Vladivostok, Russia, by Pacific Institute of Geology in Russian Academy of Sciences peer reviewed journal: Лес Управленческие науки.
Blatner, K.A., W.E. Schlosser, C.E. Keegan III, S.R. Shook and F.G. Wagner. 2002. Washington’s Forest Products Industry; Current Conditions and Forecast 2002. Washington State University Cooperative Extension, Pullman, WA. MISC0484, Jan. 2002, pp 8.
Blatner, K.A. and W.E. Schlosser. 2002. A Directory of Value Added Wood Products Producers in Washington State. Washington State University Cooperative Extension, Pullman, WA. MISC0477.
Schlosser, W.E., K.A. Blatner. 2002. Eastern Washington Sawmill Statistics for Calendar Year 2001. Washington State University Cooperative Extension, MISC0510, Nov. 2002, pp 4.
Schlosser, W.E., K.A. Blatner. 2002. Eastern Washington Sawmill Statistics for the First Half of Calendar Year 2001: Interim Report. Washington State University Cooperative Extension, MISC0482, Nov. 2002, pp 4.
Ph.D. DISSERTATION: Schlosser, W.E. 2002. An Economic Evaluation of Carbon Sequestration in the Russian Federation. Washington State University, Pullman, 99164.
Schlosser, W.E., K.A. Blatner. 2001. Eastern Washington Sawmill Statistics for 2000. Washington State University Cooperative Extension, MISC0473, Oct. 2001, pp 4.
Blatner, K.A., W.E. Schlosser, C.E. Keegan III, S.R. Shook and F.G. Wagner. 2001. Washington’s Forest Products Industry; Current Conditions and Forecast 2001. Washington State University Cooperative Extension, Pullman, WA. MISC0345. 8p.

Owston, P.W., W.E. Schlosser, D.F. Efremov, C.L. Miner [Technical Editors]. 2000. Korean pine-broadleaved forests of the Far East: proceedings from the international conference: 1996, September 30-October 6; Khabarovsk, Russian Federation. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-487. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station: 313 p
Full plenary session collection of papers (translated by Pacific Rim Taiga, Inc.)
Schlosser, W.E., D.M. Baumgartner, D.P. Hanley. 1998. Forest Land and Timber Taxes in Washington. Washington State University, Pullman, EB1822, June 1998, pp 32.
Schlosser, W.E. and K.A. Blatner. 1997. Special Forest Products: An Eastside Perspective. Pacific Northwest Station, Portland OR, US Forest Service, General Technical Report PNW-GTR- 380. 27p.
Blatner, K. A., and W. E. Schlosser. 1997. The floral and Christmas greens industry of the Pacific Northwest. Project report to the U.S. Forest Service PNW Research Station.
Blatner, K.A. and W.E. Schlosser. 1997. Contribution of the Floral and Christmas Greens Industry to the Economy of the Pacific Northwest. In: Forest Products for Sustainable Forestry, IUFRO All Division 5 Conference, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, (Int’l Sym. Proc.), p. 268.
Schlosser, W.E., C. Talbot-Roche, K.A. Blatner, D.M. Baumgartner. 1997. A Guide to Floral Greens: Special Forest Products. Washington State University, Pullman, EB1659, May 1997, pp 16.
Schlosser, W.E., D.M. Baumgartner, D.P. Hanley, S.D. Gibbs, V.P. Corrao. 1996. Managing Your Timber Sale. Washington State University Cooperative Extension, Pullman EB1818, Nov. 1996, pp 20.
Schlosser, W. E., K. A. Blatner, E. G. Schuster, M. S. Carroll. 1995. Potential for expansion of the special forest products industry in the Northern Rockies. Western Journal of Applied Forestry 10(4): 138-143.
Schlosser, W.E. and Keith A. Blatner. 1995. Economic and Marketing Implications of the Wild Edible Mushroom Harvest in Washington, Oregon and Idaho. Journal of Forestry 93(3): 31-36.
Schlosser, W.E., K.A. Blatner. 1995. Special Forest Products in the Inland Northwest: Current Scope and Potential for Expansion. Regional Symposium Proceedings from Interior Cedar-Hemlock-White Pine Forests held in Spokane, WA, March 1993. Washington State University publications, Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 1995. Special forest products. Printed in Forest Stewardship Planning Workbook. PNW490. pp43-46
Schlosser, W.E. 1995. Forestland Financial Management. Printed in Forest Stewardship Planning Workbook. PNW490. pp47-51
Schlosser, W.E. 1995. Estate Planning. Printed in Forest Stewardship Planning Workbook. PNW490. pp52-53
Schlosser, W.E., K.A. Blatner. 1995. The Special Forest Products Industry: an economic overview of Idaho, Oregon, and Washington processing 1989-1993. Symposium proceedings of “The business and science of special forest products: a conference and exposition” held in Hillsboro, OR, January 25-27, 1994.

Schlosser, W.E. and K.A. Blatner. 1994. The Special Forest Products Industry: A Look at the Eastern Cascades and Northern Rockies. Prepared for the Eastside Forest Ecosystem Management Assessment Team as requested by President Clinton in continuation of the Forest Conference of March 1993. June 1994.
Schlosser, W.E. 1994. Developing a good financial record keeping system important. Northwest Woodlands, Vol. 10 No. 3. Summer 94. Portland, OR.
Schlosser, W.E. 1994. Forestland Taxes in Idaho. University of Idaho, College of Agriculture, Bulletin No. EXT766. 26 pp. August 1994. Moscow, ID.
Schlosser, W.E. and K.A. Blatner. 1994. Special Forest Products in the Inland Pacific Northwest. In: Western Red Cedar, Hemlock and Western White Pine Forests: Ecology and Management (Sym. Proc.), Washington State University, Pullman, WA. Pp. 29-33
Schlosser, W.E. and K.A. Blatner. 1994. An Economic Overview of the Special Forest Products Industry. In: Schnef, Chris (ed.). 1994. Dancing with an Elephant: The Business and Science of Special Forest Products (Sym. Proc.), Hillsboro, OR. 1/24-27/94. Sponsored by the Northwest Special Forest Products Association and Western Forestry & Conservation Association, Portland, OR. Pp. 11 -26
Schlosser, W.E. 1994. Managing Your Forestland Estate, Part I. Woodland Notes; Vol. 6. No. 2. Winter 1994. Moscow, Idaho.
Schlosser, W.E. 1994. Are You Paying Too Many Taxes? Woodland Notes; Vol 6, No. 1. Summer 1994. Moscow, Idaho.
Schlosser, W.E. 1994. Forest Management Shortcourse Notebook (revised). UI Cooperative Extension System, Clearwater County. Three-inch D-Ring Notebook.
Schlosser, W.E. 1994. Harvesting to improve tree quality. UI Cooperative Extension System, Clearwater County. Twenty-four-page resource guide given to participants of workshop by the same name.
Carroll, M.S., F.J. Alt, A.M. Brandenburg, W.E. Schlosser, and S.E. Daniels. 1993. Tournament-style debate as a natural resources education technique. J. Nat. Resour. Life Sci. Educ., Vol. 22 no.2: 158-162.
Schlosser, W.E. and K.A. Blatner. 1993. Critical aspects of the production and marketing of special forest products. Prepared for the Forest Ecosystem Management Assessment Team as requested by President Clinton in association with the Forest Conference of March 1993. Team Leader, US Forest Service Chief Jack Ward Thomas. Completed May 3, 1993.
Schlosser, W.E., C.T. Roche, K.A. Blatner, and D.M. Baumgartner. 1993. A Guide to Floral Greens: Special Forest Products. Pullman, WA: Washington State University; Cooperative Extension System.
Kingery, P., W.E. Schlosser. 1993. Forest land managers: consider floral greens production. Forest Prescription, a publication of the Washington State Department of Natural Resources, Olympia, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 1993. Selling Woodland Timber: Contract Decisions. University of Idaho, College of Agriculture, Bulletin No. EXT759. 8 pp. December 1993. Moscow, ID.
Schlosser, W.E. 1993. Financial Record Keeping for Forestland Owners: Developing a Good System. Woodland Notes; Vol 5, No. 3. Winter 1993. Moscow, Idaho.
Schlosser, W.E. 1993. Marketing NIPF Timber: A Contractual Decision. Woodland Notes; Vol. 5, No. 1. Summer 1993. Moscow, Idaho.
Schlosser, W.E. 1993. Managing Your Timber Sale (Revised). UI Cooperative Extension System, Clearwater County. Thirty-one-page written workbook companion to workshop of same name presented in January 1994. (Workbook updated for January 1994 programs from the January 1993 presentations)
Schlosser, W.E. 1993. Forestland Taxes. UI Cooperative Extension System, Clearwater County. Twenty-six written pages with additional thirty pages of reference materials, presented as a workbook companion to workshop of same name presented in December 1993 and January 1994.
Schlosser, W.E., J.A. Church. 1993. Forestland Grazing. UI Cooperative Extension System, Clearwater and Idaho Counties. Workbook presented to participants of workshop of same name.
Schlosser, W.E. 1993. Extension forestry in the counties: A highlight of extension forestry in the North Central Idaho Area. University of Idaho, Cooperative Extension System, Clearwater County. April 1993.
Schlosser, W.E. 1993. Planning Forest Stewardship Workbook. University of Idaho, Cooperative Extension System, Clearwater County. March 1993. Workbook (3″ D-Ring) given to participants of workshop series presented by the same name.
Schlosser, W.E., T.L. Wayt. 1993. 4-H Horse Leader Reference Book. University of Idaho, Cooperative Extension System, Clearwater County. February 1993. Thirty-one-page companion publication to the Clearwater County 4H Leader Workshops presented as 4-H Horse Leader Training.
Schlosser, W.E. 1993. Managing Your Timber Sale. University of Idaho, Cooperative Extension System, Clearwater County. January 1993. Thirty-four-page companion publication to the landowner workshops presented by the same name, publication was revised during December 1993.
Schlosser, W.E., K.A. Blatner, B.A. Zamora. 1992. Pacific Northwest Forest Lands Potential for Floral Greenery Production. Northwest Science, 66(1):44-55.
Kingery, P., W.E. Schlosser. 1992. A look at the special forest products industry. National Woodlands, Old Forge, New York. Vol. 15, No. 4, October 1992.
Kingery, P., W.E. Schlosser. 1992. Special forest products: Growing in the Pacific Northwest. Western Forester, Vol. 37, No. 5. Summer 1992.
Schlosser, W.E. 1992. Management for Traditional Objectives. Woodland Notes; Special Edition. April 1992. Moscow, Idaho.
Schlosser, W.E. 1992. Species Diversity: A Management Tool for Woodland Owners. Vol. 4 No. 3. Summer 1992, Moscow, Idaho.
Schlosser, W.E. 1992. Pine Engraver Beetle Threat High. Woodland Notes; Vol. 4, No. 2. Spring 1992, Moscow, Idaho.
Schlosser, W.E., J.A. Church. 1992. Forestland Grazing Workbook. University of Idaho, Cooperative Extension System, Clearwater County & Idaho County. December 1992. Workbook (2″ D-Ring) given to participants of workshop series presented by the same name.
Schlosser, W.E., K.A. Blatner, R.C. Chapman. 1991. Economic and marketing implications of special forest products harvest in the coastal Pacific Northwest. Western Journal of Applied Forestry, 6(3):67-72.
Schlosser, W.E. Master of Science Thesis: 1990. The special forest products industry, 1989. Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164.
Schlosser, W.E., K.A. Blatner. 1990. The special forest products industry 1989. International Marketing Program for Agricultural Commodities & Trade (IMPACT), Washington State University, Pullman, WA. Information Series #39.
Schlosser, W.E., K.A. Blatner, D.M. Baumgartner. 1990. Special forest products buyers/processors in the Pacific Northwest and Coastal British Columbia. Washington State University Cooperative Extension Service. Pullman, WA. EB1580.
Schlosser, W.E. 1988. Getting the best students for the forestry profession. Journal of Forestry, “My Chance”, December 1988. Society of American Foresters, Bethesda, MD.
Video Publications
Founder, Creator, Editor
Schlosser, W.E., A.J. Aumell. 2023. Virtual Ecology for Natural Resource Management
Schlosser, W.E., A.J. Aumell. 2021. Virtual Ecology as Washington State University for Natural Resource Ecology
Schlosser, W.E., A.J. Aumell. 2020. Virtual Forestry as D&D Larix, LLC, with Washington State University for Natural Resource Ecology
Schlosser, W.E. 2009. Forest Resource Analysis System Software of Forest Econometrics as D&D Larix, LLC.
Schlosser, W.E. 2007. as NIMS Training Tracker as D&D Larix, LLC.
Schlosser, W.E. 2007. Forest Econometrics as D&D Larix, LLC.
Schlosser, W.E. 2007. Resource Analysis as D&D Larix, LLC.
Video Publications
Digital Media
VHS Videos:
Schlosser, W.E. 2001. Federal Taxes on your Forestland Activities. Pacific Rim Taiga, Inc. 38:30 minutes. Pullman, WA. VHS tape
Schlosser, W.E. 1994. Forestland Taxes in Idaho. University of Idaho, College of Agriculture. 33:00 minutes. Moscow, ID. VHS tape
YouTube Channels:
Schlosser, W.E., A.J. Aumell. Kamiak Virtual Ecology. July 2021 – present.
Schlosser, W.E. Resource Analysis: Dr. Bill Schlosser. Established May 2017.
Schlosser, W.E., B.R. Schlosser. NIMS Training Tracker and Credentialing System. Established June 2014.
Schlosser, W.E., B.R. Schlosser. FRASS: Forest Resource Analysis System Software. Established April 2014.
YouTube Video Series:
Natural Resource Ecology
Schlosser, W.E. 11/1/2021. Population Ecology- Asexual Reproduction. 22:23 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 10/17/2021. Adaptation of Organisms to the Environment. 39:53 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 9/4/2021. K-Selected Species: Cougar. 8:01 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 7/8/2021. Community Ecology: The Teakettle Experiment. 18:12 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 7/8/2021. Population Dynamics: Metapopulations. 29:21 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 7/8/2021. Glaciation, Glacial Flooding & Loess Soils. 32:01 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 7/6/2021. Interaction Webs reach throughout ecosystems and encumber Trophic Cascades. 22:25 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 5/21/2021. Lithosphere & Flood Basalts in the Pacific Northwest. 32:01 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 4/18/2021. Biological Interactions within the Community. 33:29 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E., Maron, M.W. 3/25/2021. Speciation of the Hermit thrush (Catharus guttatus). 2:47 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 3/7/2021. Hairy Woodpecker at Kamiak Butte. 0:23 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 2/24/2021. Just Cut the Strings!. 9:31 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 2/7/2021. Parapatric Speciation of North America’s Elk (Cervus canadensis). 11:02 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 2/6/2021. Allopatric Speciation of Cervus canadaensis between North Asia and North America. 7:57 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 1/24/2021. Forest Succession. 8:35 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 1/18/2021. Sympatric speciation of North American Deer. 8:35 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 1/14/2021. Population Ecology- Asexual Reproduction. 22:19 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 1/8/2021. Population Ecology Definitions: Speciation. 30:57 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 10/13/2020. Ecological Processes & Ecosystem Function. 35:28 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 10/6/2020. Porcupines Nest in Trees. 2:03 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 9/7/2020. North America Western Interior Shrublands & Woodlands Biome. 18:12 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 8/7/2020. Terrestrial Biomes. 21:47 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 8/7/2020. Climate Interactions with Biome. 51:03 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 8/7/2020. The Goldenrod and the Gallfly. 36:35 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 8/7/2020. Natural Resources, Ecology, Ecosystem Services. 40:05 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 8/2/2020. Determining Climate from Weather. 1:00:54 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 8/1/2020. Climate Data analyzed from PRISM to Excel. 10:36 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 7/2/2020. Ecological Phenomena, Connectivity, Keystone Species, Predators, and Interactions. 1:01:08 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 6/8/2020. Ecology, Relationships, and Interactions in Ecosystems. 24:12 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 6/8/2020. Hierarchy of Ecological Organization. 35:41 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 5/28/2020. Glaciation, Glacial Flooding & Loess Soils. 33:10 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 5/19/2020. KAMIAK BUTTE FIELD SAMPLE ANALYSIS: Undergraduate Teaching Experience, SP2020. 38:27 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 5/18/2020. Lithosphere & Flood Basalts in the Pacific Northwest. 32:01 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 4/23/2020. Biodiversity: Variety of Life in all forms. 28:59 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 4/5/2020. Forest Succession. 50:45 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 4/20/2020. Population Ecology & Population Dynamics. 46:21 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 3/30/2020. Create your Core MS Word Document. 49:21 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 3/23/2020. Dispersal. 41:47 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 3/23/2020. Population Ecology through population dynamics: Metapopulations. 40:46 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Kamiak Virtual Ecology YouTube Channel
Schlosser, W.E., A.J. Aumell 10/31/2021. Mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) wandering does. 1:01 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E., A.J. Aumell 10/31/2021. Mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) herd of does. 1:23 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Aumell, A.J., W.E. Schlosser 10/18/2021. October 2021, South Aspect (360 video). 5:11 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Aumell, A.J., W.E. Schlosser 10/18/2021. October 2021, North Aspect (360 video). 5:03 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 10/18/2021. Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus) herd at Kamaik Butte. 1:32 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E., A.J. Aumell 10/14/2021. Cow Shirasi Moose (Alces alces var. shirasi). 1:01 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E., A.J. Aumell 10/9/2021. White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) doe & fawns. 0:31 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E., A.J. Aumell 10/9/2021. White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) doe. 4:29 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E., A.J. Aumell 10/9/2021. White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) fawn & doe. 2:01 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E., A.J. Aumell 10/9/2021. White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) doe. 4:01 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E., A.J. Aumell 10/8/2021. Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus) doe. 0:11 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E., A.J. Aumell 10/8/2021. Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus) buck and doe. 1:01 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E., A.J. Aumell 10/8/2021. Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus) doe and fawn nighttime. 1:50 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E., A.J. Aumell 10/8/2021. Coyotes (Canis latrans). 0:11 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E., A.J. Aumell 10/7/2021. Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus) buck 2×2 antlers. 0:21 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E., A.J. Aumell 10/7/2021. Long-tailed weasel (Neogale frenata) at Kamiak Butte. 0:16 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E., A.J. Aumell 10/7/2021. Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus) doe and fawn nighttime. 1:50 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E., A.J. Aumell 10/7/2021. Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus) doe daytime. 3:01 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E., A.J. Aumell 10/7/2021. Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus) spike buck, at Virtual Ecology. 1:01 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E., A.J. Aumell 10/7/2021. Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus) doe. 4:12 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E., A.J. Aumell 10/7/2021. Nighttime Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus) does and fawns on Virtual Ecology. 4:01 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E., A.J. Aumell 10/7/2021. Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus) does and fawns. 7:01 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E., A.J. Aumell 10/7/2021. Night mule deer doe. 4:12 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E., A.J. Aumell 10/6/2021. Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus), doe and fawn. 1:01 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E., A.J. Aumell 10/6/2021. Mule Deer buck – spike, at Kamiak Butte. 1:01 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E., A.J. Aumell 10/6/2021. Mule deer doe on September 9, 2021. 0:39 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Aumell, A.J., Schlosser, W.E. 10/5/2021. Porcupine at Kamiak Butte. 0:14 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Aumell, A.J., Schlosser, W.E. 9/28/2021. Potential Wildlife Den. 0:19 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Aumell, A.J., Schlosser, W.E. 9/24/2021. Seasonal Change on North Aspect of Kamiak Butte (360 video). 0:41 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Aumell, A.J., Schlosser, W.E. 9/15/2021. September 2021, South Aspect (360 video). 5:03 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Aumell, A.J., Schlosser, W.E. 9/15/2021. September 2021, North Aspect (360 video). 5:04 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Aumell, A.J., Schlosser, W.E. 9/3/2021. August 2021, South Aspect (360 video). 2:34 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Aumell, A.J., Schlosser, W.E. 9/3/2021. August 2021, North Aspect (360 video). 5:17 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Aumell, A.J., Schlosser, W.E. 9/3/2021. Kamiak Butte in forest (drone video). 1:22 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E., A.J. Aumell 9/3/2021. Kamiak Butte Intro Scene Dr. Bill Narration. 5:06 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Aumell, A.J., Schlosser, W.E. 9/3/2021. South aspect of Kamiak Butte (drone video). 2:52 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Aumell, A.J., Schlosser, W.E. 9/3/2021. Kamiak Butte’s forest from above (drone). 3:19 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Aumell, A.J., Schlosser, W.E. 8/17/2021. Kamiak Butte in 8K, North Aspect, August 2021 (360 video). 2:34 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 7/18/2021. Shirasi moose (Alces alces var shirasi) at Kamiak Butte. 1:30 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 7/18/2021. White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) and mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) sharing space. 1:39 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Aumell, A.J., Schlosser, W.E. 7/15/2021. Kamiak Butte, South Aspect, June 2021 (360 video). 1:37 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Aumell, A.J., Schlosser, W.E. 7/15/2021. Kamiak Butte, South Aspect, March 2021 (360 video). 1:37 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Aumell, A.J., Schlosser, W.E. 7/15/2021. Kamiak Butte, South Aspect, March 2021 (360 video). 1:37 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Aumell, A.J., Schlosser, W.E. 7/15/2021. Kamiak Butte, South Aspect, October 2020 (360 video). 2:01 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Aumell, A.J., Schlosser, W.E. 7/15/2021. 1 Year of Seasonal Change at Kamiak Butte, South Aspect (360 video). 2:01 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Aumell, A.J., Schlosser, W.E. 7/15/2021. 1 Year of Seasonal Change at Kamiak Butte, South Aspect (360 video). 2:01 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Aumell, A.J., Schlosser, W.E. 7/15/2021. Kamiak Butte, South Aspect, May 2021 (360 video). 3:01 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Aumell, A.J., Schlosser, W.E. 7/15/2021. Kamiak Butte, South Aspect, April 2021 (360 video). 1:43 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Aumell, A.J., Schlosser, W.E. 7/15/2021. Kamiak Butte, South Aspect, November 2020 (360 video). 3:01 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Aumell, A.J., Schlosser, W.E. 7/15/2021. Kamiak Butte, South Aspect, July 2021 (360 video). 3:01 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Aumell, A.J., Schlosser, W.E. 7/15/2021. Kamiak Butte, North Aspect, April 2021 (360 video). 3:01 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Aumell, A.J., Schlosser, W.E. 7/15/2021. Kamiak Butte, North Aspect, November 2020 (360 video). 0:16 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Aumell, A.J., Schlosser, W.E. 7/15/2021. Kamiak Butte, North Aspect, October 2020 (360 video). 3:36 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Aumell, A.J., Schlosser, W.E. 7/15/2021. Kamiak Butte, North Aspect, May 2021 (360 video). 3:01 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Aumell, A.J., Schlosser, W.E. 7/15/2021. Kamiak Butte, North Aspect, December 2020 (360 video). 1:59 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Aumell, A.J., Schlosser, W.E. 7/15/2021. Kamiak Butte, North Aspect, February 2021 (360 video). 2:31 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Aumell, A.J., Schlosser, W.E. 7/15/2021. Kamiak Butte, North Aspect, March 2021 (360 video). 0:27 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Aumell, A.J., Schlosser, W.E. 7/15/2021. Kamiak Butte, North Aspect, June 2021 (360 video). 2:09 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Aumell, A.J., Schlosser, W.E. 7/15/2021. Kamiak Butte, North Aspect, July 2021 (360 video). 2:49 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Aumell, A.J., Schlosser, W.E. 7/15/2021. Kamiak Butte, South Aspect, August 2020 (360 video). 3:01 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Aumell, A.J., Schlosser, W.E. 7/15/2021. Kamiak Butte, South Aspect, September 2020 (360 video). 3:01 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Aumell, A.J., Schlosser, W.E. 7/15/2021. Kamiak Butte, South Aspect, December 2020 (360 video). 1:14 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Aumell, A.J., Schlosser, W.E. 7/15/2021. Kamiak Butte, South Aspect, January 2021 (360 video). 3:01 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Aumell, A.J., Schlosser, W.E. 7/15/2021. Kamiak Butte, South Aspect, February 2021 (360 video). 2:01 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Aumell, A.J., Schlosser, W.E. 7/14/2021. Kamiak Butte, North Aspect, August 2020 (360 video). 5:02 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Aumell, A.J., Schlosser, W.E. 7/14/2021. Kamiak Butte, North Aspect, September 2020 (360 video). 5:03 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Aumell, A.J., Schlosser, W.E. 7/14/2021. Kamiak Butte, South Aspect, September 2020 (360 video). 3:01 minutes. Virtual Ecology. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 7/4/2021. Mule Deer does and fawns, getting Service Berry tutorial. 1:01 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 7/1/2021. Mule Deer Doe & Fawn bed down under the cover of darkness. 1:01 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Forest Resource Analysis System Software
Schlosser, W.E. 7/6/2021. Real Price Appreciation Forecast Tool in the buildup to USA macroeconomy hyperinflationary thrust. 24:57 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 12/22/2020. RPA Forecast Tool presented at the International Forest Business Conference, December 2020. 23:29 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 12/7/2020. Real Price Appreciation Forecast Tool (RPA Forecast Tool) Made Actionable for your Forestlands. 25:19 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 7/11/2019. Logging into the Forest Resource Analysis System Software site. 8:10 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA. unlisted
Schlosser, W.E., B.R. Schlosser 8/23/2018. Module 5: Actionable Reports in FRASS. 17:42 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 8/21/2018. Module 3: Real Price Appreciation Forecast Tool. 16:52 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 3/21/2018. Forest Growth 100 years. 0:54 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 1/12/2018. Forest Resource Analysis System Software: Welcome to the New Analysis. 12:24 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 1/11/2018. Forest Resource Analysis System Software Welcomes you! 0:55 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E., B.R. Schlosser 11/26/2017. Module 2: Assembling the Puzzle. 9:30 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E., B.R. Schlosser. 11/24/2017. FRASS Module 1: Importance of Financial Management on Forestlands. 6:48 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E., B.R. Schlosser. 11/18/2017. Module 4: Harvest Rotation Timing for Financial Optimality. 6:48 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 4/8/2017. The Greater Recession USA 2014-16. 5:38 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 3/26/2017. Asian Market Involvement in North American Timber Log Markets Explained by FRASS. 27:36 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 7/30/2016. Module 3: Real Price Appreciation Forecast Tool. 35:21 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 12/28/2014. Module 5: FRASS Actionable Reports. 19:43 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E., B.R. Schlosser 12/5/2014. Module 4: Timber Rotation Harvest Timing to Optimize Asset Value. 16:17 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E., B.R. Schlosser 11/5/2014. Module 2: Assembling the Puzzle. 10:53 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E., B.R. Schlosser. 11/24/2017. Module 1: Forest Resource Analysis System Software (FRASS). 7:34 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 5/5/2014. FRASS: Forest Resource Analysis System Software. 22:11 minutes. D&D Larix, LLC. Pullman, WA.
Videos about Economics for undergraduate students
Introduction to Business, BUS-101
Schlosser, W.E. 1/22/2016. Welcome to Introduction to Business, BUS-101: Spring 2016. 20:29 minutes. Lewiston, ID.
Schlosser, W.E. 8/1/2016. Welcome to Introduction to Business, BUS-101: Fall 2016. 20:16 minutes. Lewiston, ID.
Principles and Theory of Microeconomics – taught as ECON-202
Schlosser, W.E. 5/15/2016. Welcome to Microeconomics ECON-202: Spring 2016. 20:47 minutes. Lewiston, ID.
Schlosser, W.E. 1/10/2017. Welcome to Microeconomics ECON-202: Spring 2017. 26:45 minutes. Lewiston, ID.
Schlosser, W.E. 8/18/2016. FRED MICRO Graphing 2016. 10:54 minutes. Lewiston, ID.
Schlosser, W.E. 1/8/2017. FRED MICRO Graphing 2017. 10:55 minutes. Lewiston, ID.
Schlosser, W.E. 6/1/2017. Chapter 1: Microeconomics: Foundations and Models. 37:22 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 6/1/2017. Chapter 2: Trade-offs, Comparative Advantage, and the Market System. 21:02 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 6/2/2017. Chapter 3: Where Prices Come From: The Interaction of Demand and Supply. 42:06 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 6/4/2017. Chapter 4: Economic Efficiency, Government Price Setting, and Taxes. 55:53 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 6/7/2017. Chapter 5: Externalities, Environmental Policy, and Public Goods. 1:02:41 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 6/5/2017. Chapter 6: Elasticity: The Responsiveness of Demand and Supply. 1:05:25 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 12/13/2017. Chapter 7: The Economics of Health Care. 42:00 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 6/09/2017. Chapter 8: Firms, the Stock Market, and Corporate Governance. 1:28:23 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 6/21/2017. Chapter 10: Consumer Choice and Behavioral Economics. 1:04:55 minutes.
Schlosser, W.E. 6/30/2017. Chapter 12: Firms in Perfectly Competitive Markets. 42:41 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 6/13/2017. Chapter 13: Monopolistic Competition: The Competitive Model in a More Realistic Setting. 33:29 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 6/14/2017. Chapter 15: Monopoly and Antitrust Policy. 55:24 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Principles and Theory of Macroeconomics – taught as ECON-201
Schlosser, W.E. 5/30/2021. Chapter 23: Aggregate Expenditure and Output in the Short Run. 56:05 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 1/22/2016. Welcome to Macroeconomics ECON-201: Fall 2016. 26:43 minutes. Lewiston, ID.
Schlosser, W.E. 5/21/2016. Welcome to Macroeconomics ECON 201-60: Summer 2016. 22:55 minutes. Lewiston, ID.
Schlosser, W.E. 8/17/2016. FRED MACRO Graphing 2016. 10:54 minutes. Lewiston, ID.
Schlosser, W.E. 1/8/2017. FRED MACRO Graphing 2017. 10:54 minutes. Lewiston, ID.
Schlosser, W.E. 6/11/2017. Chapter 9: Comparative Advantage and the Gains from International Trade. 40:48 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 6/16/2017. Chapter 19: GDP: Measuring Total Production and Income. 1:04:10 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 6/22/2017. Chapter 20: Unemployment and Inflation. 48:22 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 6/28/2017. Chapter 21: Economics: Economic Growth, the Financial System, and Business Cycles. 42:53 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 7/2/2017. Chapter 22: Long-Run Economic Growth: Sources and Policies. 40:13 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 7/7/2017. Chapter 23: Aggregate Expenditure and Output in the Short Run. 56:05 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 7/15/2017. Chapter 24: Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply Analysis. 42:03 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 7/29/2017. Chapter 25: Money, Banks, and the Federal Reserve System. 51:44 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 9/7/2017. Chapter 26: Monetary Policy. 1:08:27 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 9/8/2017. Chapter 27: Fiscal Policy. 55:52 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 9/13/2017. Chapter 28: Inflation, Unemployment, and Federal Reserve Policy. 46:59 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 12/12/2017. Chapter 29: Macroeconomics in an Open Economy. 33:12 minutes. Pullman, WA.
International Economics – taught as ECON-465
Schlosser, W.E. 9/25/2017. Introduction to International Economics. 3:02 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 9/17/2017. Chapter 1, International Economy & Globalization. 51:20 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 9/25/2017. Chapter 2: Foundations of Modern Trade Theory: Comparative Advantage. 1:01:45 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 9/1/2017. Chapter 3, Sources of Comparative Advantage. 51:55 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 9/12/2017. Chapter 4, Tariffs. 1:11:20 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 9/18/2017. Chapter 5, Nontariff trade Barriers. 59:51 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 10/5/2017. Chapter 10, The Balance of Payments. 48:30 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 10/24/2017. Chapter 11, Foreign Exchange. 59:07 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 11/3/2017. Chapter 12, Exchange Rate Determination. 37:12 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 11/8/2017. Chapter 13, Mechanisms of International Adjustment. 31:45 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 11/23/2017. Chapter 14, Exchange Rate Adjustments and the Balance-of-Payments. 53:24 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 10/28/2015. ECON-465: FRED Graphing Recessions in the US Economy. 23:53 minutes. Lewiston, ID.
Schlosser, W.E. 12/20/2015. ECON-465: GDP Graphing. 10:35 minutes. Lewiston, ID.
Schlosser, W.E. 12/27/2015. Introduction to ECON-465. 3:59 minutes. Lewiston, ID.
Schlosser, W.E. 12/28/2015. Graphing Economic Data in FRED. 12:14 minutes. Lewiston, ID.
Technical Tool Training for Instructors & Students
Schlosser, W.E. 8/27/2021. Canvas Calendar Events. 3:32 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 8/29/2020. Document Mechanics in MS Word 49:21 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 10/25/2019. PowerPoint Presentations to YouTube Video! 37:54 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 8/8/2019. Acronym Manager in MS Word Documents (#9). 7:52 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 8/7/2019. MS Word Reference Manager (#8). 6:26 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 7/7/2019. Dr. Bill Schlosser, I want to know you! 3:47 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 6/11/2019. Inserting Formulas into Word Documents (#7). 20:21 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 6/4/2019. Citation Manager in MS Word Documents (#6). 32:23 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 5/28/2019. Figures in MS Word with Style Sheets (#5). 15:33 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 5/26/2019. Making Tables in MS Word Documents (#4). 16:11 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 5/24/2019. Applying Style Sheets to your MS Word Document (#3). 10:34 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 5/20/2019. MS Word Pages & Page Numbering (#2). 6:50 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 5/19/2019. Why Use MS Word Document Mechanics? (#1). 8:52 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 4/18/2018. Closed Captioning your video using your program script! 14:58 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 10/11/2017. Connecting with Live and On-Line Students using an LMS, with examples. 10:19 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 10/10/2017. Connecting with Live & Online Students using Blackboard Learn II. 8:13 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 9/6/2017. Dr. Bill Schlosser, Economist. 1:17 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 9/5/2017. Dr. Bill Schlosser Economics, Business, Tech Tools, and Natural Resources. 7:56 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 5/21/2016. Dr. William E. Schlosser, Economist, Environmental Scientist, Professional Forester. 2:32 minutes. Lewiston, ID.
Schlosser, W.E. 6/3/2017. PowerPoint 2016 Slide Show converted to MP4 video bound for YouTube! 24:40 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 5/28/2017. PowerPoint 2010 to YouTube Video Creations 22:10 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 5/17/2017. Duarte’s Five Rules for Creating Great PowerPoint Presentations. 5:35 minutes. Pullman, WA.
Schlosser, W.E. 5/18/2016. Five Rules for Creating Great Presentations. 5:28 minutes. Lewiston, ID.
Schlosser, W.E. 6/3/2016. Macroeconomic Data Analysis: built one micro-step at a time. 18:45 minutes. Lewiston, ID.
Schlosser, W.E. 6/28/2016. PowerPoint (2010) to YouTube Presentations with Digitally Mastered Audio. 22:07 minutes. Lewiston, ID.
Schlosser, W.E. 3/12/2017. Discount Rates from Best Sources. 14:36 minutes. Lewiston, ID.
Software-as-a-Service Applications
Schlosser, W.E. 2011. NIMS Training Tracker; presented on the internet as a Software as a Service (SaaS) program. Coordinates a jurisdiction’s staff education efforts in National Incident Management System (NIMS) sponsored by FEMA. On the internet at
Schlosser, W.E. 2011. Forest Resource Analysis System Software – Demonstration site. US Copyright office granted official Copyright in 2013 to Dr. Schlosser for this software. On the internet at
Schlosser, W.E. 2010. Market Appraisal System Software (MASS); prototype development infrastructure on the internet as a Software as a Service (SaaS) program. at